Hmm, I have been thinking lately about "taking our thoughts captive". My dear sister in Law is always so gracious to remind me of this (thanks Tam). What does this mean to take your thoughts captive?? 2 Corinthians 10:5 “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”
Okay to the Obedience of Christ. But how do you know what to obey? Well the only way we know how to obey is by the Holy Spirit, and through His word, Right! So if we are walking in our flesh, full of sin and worldliness we are less likely to listen to the Spirit living within us. So in submission to our Father we give ourselves over to his will through prayer (daily) giving Him control over our emotions and thoughts. This paves a path for the Holy Spirit to speak and for us to truly hear. Then we are able to fully submit and take captive the destructive thoughts that so easily entrap us. Now when our thoughts are captive the Spirit will bring into our minds scriptures allowing us to encourage ourselves in the Lord and lift us from that lowly state. But only if we are washed in the word, So all those times you think the word is returning nothing be patient dear brother and sister continue steadfastly in the word as to equip yourselves for the day when you need it most!Just a thought...Love you all!
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